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MuSiQue: Multi-hop Questions via Single-hop Question Composition


Multi-hop reasoning remains an elusive goal as existing multi-hop benchmarks are known to be largely solvable via shortcuts. Can we create a question answering (QA) dataset that, by construction, \emph{requires} proper multi-hop reasoning? To this end, we introduce a bottom-up approach that systematically selects composable pairs of single-hop questions that are connected, i.e., where one reasoning step critically relies on information from another. This bottom-up methodology lets us explore a vast space of questions and add stringent filters as well as other mechanisms targeting connected reasoning. It provides fine-grained control over the construction process and the properties of the resulting $k$-hop questions. We use this methodology to create MuSiQue-Ans, a new multihop QA dataset with 25K 2-4 hop questions. Relative to existing datasets, MuSiQue-Ans is more difficult overall (3x increase in human-machine gap), and harder to cheat via disconnected reasoning (e.g., a single-hop model has a 30 point drop in F1). We further add unanswerable contrast questions to produce a more stringent dataset, MuSiQue-Full. We hope our datasets will help the NLP community develop models that perform genuine multi-hop reasoning.

Presented at NAACL 2022 Article at MIT Press