Author Guidelines
Guidelines, Policies and Instructions
- Submission Cycle Deadlines
- Profile Requirement, Registration Requests and Instructions
- General Submission Format
- Latex - Helpful Hints
- -Revision and Resubmission Instructions
- Final Version Format
- Policies and More
- Papers for Which a Preprint Version Was Posted
- Dual/Multiple Submission Policy
- Code of Ethics
- Survey Papers – a Note
- Conferences: Presentation of Accepted TACL Papers
- Aims and Scope
Submission Cycle Deadlines
The next submission deadline for TACL is the first (1st) of the next month in the calendar, by 11:59pm Honolulu time. (Note that our server shows US Pacific time, not Honolulu Time, so this deadline translates to a timestamp of roughly 2:59am when it is on our server. Do not worry about being off by an hour for observance or non-observance of Daylight Savings Time.)
Profile Requirement, Registration Requests and Instructions
To register/create a profile, go to:
Required information:
• First/Given Name:
• Last/Family Name:
• Preferred Email:
• Affiliation(s): (typically work or university)
• Country currently affiliation with/working from:
Once you are registered, you will be able to log in to the system and click on "New Submission" to submit your paper.
General Submission Format
Formatting requirements-
That document begins with a list of common errors that have caused us to reject papers without review in the past. Consult the instructions carefully to avoid making the same mistakes.
As noted in that document, at publication time, authors must supply their LaTeX source. We thus strongly recommend the use of following style and template files.
These files are also available on Overleaf.
Latex - Helpful Links
Some links/information/help:
A standalone WYSIWYG editor is available:
Online editors (free and paid)
Revision and Resubmission Instructions
Revise & Resubmit (B- & C-Decision) Re-submissions & Reactivation Instructions (for B-Decision, conditional acceptance or C-decision, rejection with encouragement to revise resubmit), the re-submission bundle should consist of a single pdf, with three files.
The Resubmission Bundle must include:
- An anonymized cover letter describing what the original submission number(s) were, who the original action editor(s) were, and a bulleted list of responses to changes as set forth in the decision letter.
- An anonymized version of the original decision letter, together with the original reviews.
- The revision itself. Here is a latex skeleton that can help in creating this single pdf bundle: resubmission-pkg.v1,1.tex .
Specific Instruction for B-and C-Decision Submissions
*B-Decision Reactivations: In the case where the original decision was of type (B- acceptance subject to specific changes):
- Prepare resubmission bundle as directed above and;
- Attach to the email you will send directly to the editors-in-chief (do not upload it onto the system).
- Notify the with the following:
- Subject line should state: "reactivate TACL <number>" where <number> is the original submission number.
- In message, provide:
- name of the original action editor(s)
- The names of all authors, in bulleted format (see template below), in order, family/last name first, with html codes employed for all accents, (this is particularly important for last/family names with spaces in them) and email addresses for each author, as shown here:
- First:
- Middle: (if applicable)
- Last:
- Email:
- Country of Affiliation(s)
- a bulleted list of changes as set forth in the decision letter
Enclose the resubmission bundle. The Editors-in-Chief will manually reactivate the old submission, which will set up some important bookkeeping mechanisms.
When you submit: if you have not received confirmation of receipt from the TACL staff within 5-7 days, please contact us: to inquire.
*C-Decision Resubmissions: In the case where the original decision was of type (c) (rejection with encouragement to revise and resubmit) within 3 months:
- Prepare bundle as directed above and;
- Submit the bundled pdf under a new submission number.
- Once submitted, notify the with the following:
- Subject line should state: "(C) RESUBMISSION: <the original submission number >;
- In the message, provide:
- The original and new TACL number
- name of the original action editor(s)
- a list of the authors and their affiliations
- a bulleted list of changes as set forth in the decision letter
*D-Decision Submissions – Papers rejected from TACL (d) will not be eligible for resubmission to TACL for a 12 month period, unless significant revisions are made (to the point where the paper is basically a new paper) or in the case of an explicit decision of rejection with encouragement to resubmit within within 3 months (i.e., type (c)).
*A-Decision (Accept Essentially as is pending approval) – see: Final Version Format (below) and Post-acceptance instructions, found here:
Final Version Format - instructions and guidelines for accepted (a) submissions
When you submit: if you have not received confirmation of receipt from the TACL staff within 7-10 days, please contact us: to inquire.
Final Versions Sent to MIT Press - what to expect
*MIT Press does not allow for figures on the first page/article opener.
*Please adhere to MIT-preferred author/affiliation guideline layouts. *Note that there may also be small adjustments in typesetting at the publication phase through MIT Press.
Policies and More
Anonymization requirements/Double Blind Reviewing - As the reviewing will be double-blind (except that Action Editors know author identity and authors know action-editor identity), submissions must not include author names, affiliations, or identifying acknowledgments. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author’s identity, e.g., “We previously showed (Smith, 1991) …”, must be avoided. Instead, rewrite such citations into a form like “Smith (1991) previously showed …”. To be clear: You should reference your prior work if it is relevant; but use the third person instead of the 1st person and in place of references like “(Anonymous) showed…”, since such anonymized references do not allow readers to examine relevant related work. There is an exception for what TACL considers to be non-archival prior versions; see below.
Authors’ names should also be removed from the “Document Properties” display that can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat’s “File->Properties” menu.
ACL Anonymity Policy - ACL adopted the recommendations of this working group report on January 12, 2024. The new policy applies to subsequent submission deadlines. It will be reflected in the instructions for submission and reviewing. Please read the report for the policy details and their motivation.
Papers that were submitted to review processes with earlier deadlines are still governed by the old anonymity policy, since they use the old review procedure.
Both old and new policies are described at ACL Policies for Submission, Review and Citation. The new policy will also affect awards. See:
If software or datasets will be released - To keep reviewing times down, we do not allow submission of supplementary material. (Furthermore, we disallow links to such supplementary material, anonymized or not, to avoid the possibility of tracking analytics compromising the anonymity of the reviewers.) However, the release of software or datasets is strongly encouraged. We ask that authors include in their submission some text that explains, in anonymous terms, whether the software or data will be released, and if so, in what fashion. The review forms will prompt the referees to take this into account.
Resubmission Policy for ACL, AACL, EACL, NAACL, EMNLP and ARR Conference Submissions
Papers or revised versions of papers that have been rejected from or reviewed by [*] the ACL, AACL, EACL, NAACL, EMNLP conferences (or the ACL rolling review system, ARR) will not be eligible for submission to TACL for a 9-month period beginning at the submission deadline for the conference in question. (For example, the ACL 2012 submission deadline was January 15th, 2012; papers rejected from ACL 2012 were not eligible for submission to TACL until October 15th, 2012 --- i.e., the November 2012 round.).
Please see our August 24th, 2017 announcement for reasons why even substantial revisions to a conference version do not qualify for an exception to this rule.
For ACL rolling review (ARR) submissions, the 9 month period begins at the beginning of the month it was submitted for review at ARR. So, for example, if the paper was submitted to the ARR for the October batch of reviews, and received a review, that paper would be eligible to be submitted to TACL 9 months from October 1, i.e., July 1 of the following year. Note that this same policy applies to resubmissions to ARR, i.e., rejected resubmissions must wait 9 months from the resubmission month to submit to TACL.
[*] The phrase "rejected from or reviewed by" refers to the questions similar to: "If we saw our reviews during the author response period of conference X and decided to withdraw our paper, can we still submit it to TACL?" In other words, TACL considers papers that were reviewed by a conference and not accepted, such as papers that were withdrawn during an author response period before an official decision was received, to have been rejected from the conference.
Policy on Papers For Which a Preprint Version Was Posted Outside The Anonymity Window
Preprint servers such as and (tracks of) ACL-related workshops that have not been declared to be archival are not considered archival for purposes of submission to TACL. However, authors must state in the “Comments to the Editor” field:
- the name of the workshop or preprint server
- the title of the non-archival version
- URL for it
- date it was made available.
The submitted version should be suitably anonymized and not contain references to the prior or upcoming non-archival version. Reviewers will be told: “The author(s) have notified the editors that there exists a non-archival previous version of this paper with significantly overlapping text. The editors have approved submission under these circumstances, but to preserve the spirit of blind review, the current submission does not reference the non-archival version. It is a good idea to read the paper and draft an initial review before you carry out any online searches that risk discovering authorship. If you do become aware of the authors' identity, and/or come across a paper with significant text overlap with this submission, please let me know.”
Questions about whether a venue other than those listed above can be considered non-archival must be cleared with the editors-in-chief in advance of submission.
Dual/Multiple Submission Policy
TACL does not allow dual submissions: no material in any paper submitted to TACL may be under review (or published) at another journal, conference, or archival workshop venue at any time while it is under consideration by TACL (i.e., starting from the time the submission is uploaded to the TACL server).
Code of Ethics
Authors are required to honor the ethical code set out in the ACM Code of Ethics, which has been adopted by ACL as a whole. Language processing is applied to numerous tasks with real-life applications and considerable potential for societal impact, both good and bad. As researchers we are responsible for clearly articulating the impact of our research, use of data and potential applications of our work, as well as the limitations of the work when deployed in real-world scenarios.
We ask that all authors read the ethics code linked to above, and ensure that their work conforms to it. Where a paper may raise ethical issues, we ask that you include in the paper an explicit discussion of these issues, which will be taken into account in the review process. We reserve the right to reject papers on ethical grounds, where the authors are judged to have operated counter to the code of ethics, or have inadequately addressed legitimate ethical concerns with their work or have not clearly articulated limitations of the proposed approach, task or dataset.
Survey Papers - a Note
There is no special category for survey papers at TACL, hence such papers must meet the same bar of originality, significance, technical strength and relevance to computational linguistics and NLP as regular submissions. They must also keep to the same length limit as regular submissions, hence survey topics must be suitably circumscribed to allow for appropriate coverage within the 10-page limit. To meet the bar of originality and significance, surveys should be such that even experts in the domain covered will say “I learned something interesting from this paper." They should thus not simply be a descriptive enumeration of the contents of papers, but draw broad themes and (importantly) provide new insights on the topic. These insights should be major contributions of the submission.
Conferences: Presentation of Accepted TACL Papers
TACL has an acceptance deadline for presentation at the AACL, ACL, NAACL, EACL and EMNLP main conferences. A paper must receive a decision of type (a): “fully” (i.e., not conditionally) accepted for publication by the given acceptance deadline for it to be eligible to appear at the next ACL/AACL/NAACL/EACL/EMNLP main conference. As of ACL 2019 onwards, in addition, TACL also has a final-version completion and approval deadline to complete the steps given at This policy is to help conference organizers manage TACL papers at their conferences; authors that do not comply with the final-version completion/approval deadline may have their conference presentation revoked. Exact deadlines, when set, will be posted on the main TACL webpage; a typical TACL acceptance deadline is a few weeks before the conference notification deadline.
To be clear, type B-decision: conditional acceptance — "acceptance subject to revisions to be completed within two months" — does not make a paper eligible for the conference presentation, since a next round of changes needs to be approved.
We do not have submission deadlines for appearance at the various conferences: that is, we will not guarantee that if a paper is submitted to TACL by a certain date, it can be presented at relevant conference if accepted. This is an important difference from regular conference paper submissions, where there is a submission deadline.
The editors-in-chief will contact eligible authors asking these authors about their intent for each conference the authors are eligible for.
Presentation of a TACL paper at a conference is optional. Authors may decide to wait for a later conference, and there is no obligation to present a TACL paper at any of the potential conferences at all. However, a paper can only be presented in the calendar year in which it was accepted or the following calendar year, so authors should not defer choosing which conference to present in indefinitely.
The conference chairs make the final choice as to whether the presentation of an accepted TACL paper will be oral or poster format, and this decision is not guaranteed to be made before TACL authors have to decide on a given conference.
Aims and Scope
TACL invites paper submissions in all areas of computational linguistics and natural language processing. Submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, and relevance to computational linguistics and natural language processing. We follow ACL Policies for Submission, Review and Citation.
TACL has the goal of coverage of a broad range of topics. We invite papers in the following four broad categories: theoretical computational linguistics, empirical/data-driven approaches, resources/evaluation, and applications/tools.