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Geographic Adaptation of Pretrained Language Models


While pretrained language models (PLMs) have been shown to possess a plethora of linguistic knowledge, the existing body of research has largely neglected extralinguistic knowledge, which is generally difficult to obtain by pretraining on text alone. Here, we contribute to closing this gap by examining geolinguistic knowledge, i.e., knowledge about geographic variation in language. We introduce geoadaptation, an intermediate training step that couples language modeling with geolocation prediction in a multi-task learning setup. We geoadapt four PLMs, covering language groups from three geographic areas, and evaluate them on five different tasks: fine-tuned (i.e., supervised) geolocation prediction, zero shot (i.e., unsupervised) geolocation prediction, fine-tuned language identification, zero-shot language identification, and zero-shot prediction of dialect features. Geoadaptation is very successful at injecting geolinguistic knowledge into the PLMs: the geoadapted PLMs consistently outperform PLMs adapted using only language modeling (by especially wide margins on zero-shot prediction tasks), and we obtain new state-of-the-art results on two benchmarks for geolocation prediction and language identification. Furthermore, we show that the effectiveness of geoadaptation stems from its ability to geographically retrofit the representation space of the PLMs.

Article at MIT Press Presented at ACL 2024