Dijkstra-WSA: A Graph-Based Approach to Word Sense Alignment
Michael Matuschek
Iryna Gurevych
Michael Matuschek
UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Iryna Gurevych
UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt
In this paper, we present Dijkstra-WSA, a novel graph-based algorithm for word sense alignment. We evaluate it on four different pairs of lexical-semantic resources with different characteristics (WordNet-OmegaWiki, WordNet-Wiktionary, GermaNet-Wiktionary and WordNet-Wikipedia) and show that it achieves competitive performance on 3 out of 4 datasets. Dijkstra-WSA outperforms the state of the art on every dataset if it is combined with a back-off based on gloss similarity. We also demonstrate that Dijkstra-WSA is not only flexibly applicable to different resources but also highly parameterizable to optimize for precision or recall.
PDF (Presented at ACL 2013)