One Vector is Not Enough: Entity-Augmented Distributed Semantics for Discourse Relations
Yangfeng Ji
Jacob Eisenstein
Yangfeng Ji
School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jacob Eisenstein
Georgia Institute of Technology
Discourse relations bind smaller linguistic units into coherent texts. Automatically identifying discourse relations is difficult, because it requires understanding the semantics of the linked arguments. A more subtle challenge is that it is not enough to represent the meaning of each argument of a discourse relation, because the relation may depend on links between lower-level components, such as entity mentions. Our solution computes distributed meaning representations for each discourse argument by composition up the syntactic parse tree. We also perform a downward compositional pass to capture the meaning of coreferent entity mentions. Implicit discourse relations are then predicted from these two representations, obtaining substantial improvements on the Penn Discourse Treebank.
PDF (presented at EMNLP 2015)